About Us

Our Purpose

UAST is a 501(c)3 Not-for-Profit membership organization based in Tucson, AZ whose purpose is to provide programs and events including entertainment, recreation and education

As a cultural organization, we strive to provide opportunity to learn about Ukrainian and American History, culture, art, music, foods and much more.

Our History

  • Published a Ukrainian recipe cookbook
  • Various exhibits on Ukrainian topics at University of Arizona (UoA):
    • Chernobyl nuclear disaster photo exhibit
    • Art exhibits by local Ukrainian artists
    • Ukrainian Famine (Holodomor) exhibit
    • Taras Shevchenko exhibit with concert and poetry reading
  • 2015 Protest against the invasion/annexation of Crimea at UoA
  • Meetings with Senator McCain
  • Annual Pysanky Workshops
  • Annual participation in Tucson Meet Yourself
  • Annual Ukrainian -American Community Picnics and get-togethers on Mt. Lemmon
  • Cultural/music programs at various venues
  • Silent auctions for humanitarian causes in Ukraine
  • 2022 Protest/rally against the invasion of Ukraine at Jacome Plaza
At Tucson Meet Yourself